20 Middleburgh Street, Troy, NY 12180 • 518-272-0773
Troy Tool & Design, LLC was founded in 2005 by Toolmaker/ Engineer John E Okonski. Since TTDs inception the company has been known for meticulous engineering and precision craftsmanship.
We are a full-service engineering, design, and fabrication facility specializing in the design and manufacture of precision tooling and assemblies.

- Engineering Design Services
- Finite Element Analysis
- Injection Mold Design & Fabrication
- Precision Wire EDM & Sinker EDM
- Large Wire (20” Z Depth of Cut)
- Precision CNC Machining – 4 Axis & 3D
- Precision Welding – Vacuum Vessel & Tool Repair
- Pressure Vessel Design & Fabrication
- Custom Heat Exchanger Design & Analysis
√ Competitive Pricing
√ Excellent Turn Around Time
√ Experienced / Qualified
√ Free Estimates
Injection Mold Design & Fabrication
Jig & Fixture Design & Fabrication
Precision Sinker EDM 4-Axis
Precision 4-Axis Wire EDM (Up to 20″ Depth of Cut)
Precision 4-Axis CNC Milling
Tool Welding & Repair Services
Precision Grinding
Precision Turning
Capability to Machine Advanced Alloys & Carbide
Business POC: John Okonski
Phone: (518) 272-0773
Email: john@troytooldesign.com
Address: 20 Middleburgh St
Troy, NY, 12180
Work Area:Northeast United States
Extreme Molding, LLC
Location: Watervliet/New York
– Design & manufacture of plastic & SLR injection & silicone compression molds for targeted industries.
NASA / Jacobs Technology
Location: Houston/TexasSubcontractor: Manufacture of precision components for NASA
General Electric Global Research
Location: Niskayuna/NY
Subcontrator: ASME Section VIII Division 1 Code design and manufacture for the LXSR project. The pressure vessel is currently being used to test advanced seals for GE Aircraft.
Mack Molding
Location: Arlington/Vermont
• Design and manufacture of plastic injection molds for medical devices.
T & M Enterprises
Location: Shaftsbury, Vermont
– Design & manufacture of plastic injection molds for various industries.