20 Middleburgh Street, Troy, NY 12180 • 518-272-0773
About Us
Troy Tool & Design, LLC was founded in 2005 by Toolmaker/Engineer John E Okonski. Since TTDs inception the company has been known for meticulous engineering and precision craftsmanship.
In 1985, Mr. Okonski accepted a position as a Tool & Die Maker at IBM in Poughkeepsie, NY. Although this was only a 5-year stint (Mr. Okonski left for Colorado in 1990) the experience was invaluable. In 1990 working in Colorado, John was introduced to plastic injection molds. Consequently, John focused “his all” towards Mold Making which required, operating EDMs, fitting shut-offs, polishing, fabricating from piece-part drawings, refurbishing, and designing custom molds. In 2006, TTD (aka Mr. Okonski) resumed Mold Making operations.
In 2007, the mold industry saw economic recession and overseas competition that put some mold shops out of business. To be honest, the Plastics industry here hasn’t come back to where it once was and probably never will. TTD withstood the downturn by venturing into other industries. TTD renewed ties with IBM and developed new relationships within the Nano-Science consortium. This new relationship provides the Nano-Sciences with a contemporary Design/Fabrication facility, which quickly adjusts to their specific needs. TTD continues to fabricate precision components, mechanized fixtures, and sophisticated processor driven assemblies.
In 2000, John received a Bachelor of Science degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Mechanical Engineering. Following graduation John was invited to work with family at Troy Boiler Works as a Mechanical Engineer. Responsibilities included, but were not limited to, design of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section VIII Division 1 Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code pressure vessels, in addition to thermal design of heat transfer equipment. To date, John contributes PV engineering design services to TBW as a consultant.
In 2006, the combination of customer requirements and TTD/TBW collaboration led to a new category of service offered. Periodically, a customer will require an ASME Section VIII Division 1 Code pressure vessel or a vacuum vessel machined to precision tolerances. John is the responsible engineer for ASME Section VIII Division 1 Code pressure vessel design on the Gen X (LXSR) test rig, the Static Rig (Split Donut), the Electrolyzer, and the Multi-Phase-Pump for General Electric Global Research.
To some, TTD might be considered incomplete without Intellectual Property. To date, TTD does not contain IP in the company. However, John shares patents United States 7,413,004, Canada 2535855, and European 1658462 with his father John E Okonski Sr. The High Efficiency Enhanced Boiler is an extremely efficient heat transfer device which is up to 30% more efficient than current technology. Research is ongoing, experimental data is continually processed for this invention for both customer specific and routine applications. In addition to sharing the HEEB patent John has another patent pending relative to Crossed Seal Technology. Please browse the web page included within this site if there is interest.
Thank you,
John E Okonski Jr.